Utistuvollen farm


Models: Inga Iversen & Øistein Aasen 

Photographer: Stein Kaasin

Styling: Ingvill Kaasin Montgomery

These photos were taken at Inga and Øistein's 'seter' Utistuvollen. A seter is a little farm in the mountains where farmers take their cows in the summer to graze the mountain pasture. These traditional mountain farms have a simple wooden cottage where the 'budeie' (who takes care of the cows) lives, and a small barn where the cows are milked and spend the night. 

Øistein and Inga spent this summer on their mountain farm, built in 1784, with their son Esten. They had 30 cows there; 5 produced milk. Some of the milk is picked up by the milk truck. With the rest they make traditional seter foods such as butter, sour cream, lefse and some local specialties such as skjørost, gubb and søngrøt. On the weekends tourists and locals are welcomed to taste their ultra-local slow food. If you find yourself in Vingelen, Norway in the summer, stop by and say hi and try their amazing food! 

Follow them on @fjellbonden on Instagram. 

The old photos are from www.digitaltmuseum.no 

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